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3731 Sperryville Pike

Sperryville, VA 22740

Sunday Worship at 11:15 am



On May 6, 1854, a parcel of land was sold by Mrs. Lucy Wood for $25.00 to seven men, the trustees of Sperryville Methodist Church. These men were James Hull, Lyle Millan, William Hopper, William Hopkins, William Alsop, John Partlow and John Buckner. Some of the older people living in 1925 said that the church was built by Messers Bob and Scott Bruce of Fauquier County. The following were the charter members: Mrs. Jane Arnold, Miss Tenny Atkins, Miss Sara Broy, Mrs. Kitty Totten, Mrs. Ann Rudasill, Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. William Hull and the above named board of trustees. Others who were members as far back as the Civil War were: Mrs. Fanny Bruce, Mrs. Beech, Mrs. Jenny Thompson, Mrs. Sallie Hyde, Mrs. Frank Millan, Miss Ann Millan and Miss Lina Johnson. The first minister to hold services in this church was Rev. James B. Fitzgerald, who married Miss Lizzie Dear of Washington, during his pastorate here. In 1915, during the pastorate of the Rev. A.P. Williams, the old church was torn down and the present church built on the same site. During the time of rebuilding, services were held in the Masonic Hall. The cornerstone was laid with Masonic Ceremonies, August 12, 1915, conducted by the Rev. Dr. T.W. Hooper of Culpeper, who made the address. Bishop Collins Denny dedicated the church in 1928 during the District Conference which was held that year in Sperryville. Sunday School Superintendents have been: Mr. William Hull, Mr. John Schwartz, Mrs. Joseph F. Johnson, Mr. James Estes, Mr. Fremont Menefee, Mr. John Strole, Mr. Raymond Dodson, and Mr. Sidney Perry. The church was redecorated during the pastorate of the Rev. L.C. Vaughan. Chimes were installed during the pastorate of the Rev. O.W. Lynch. The latest improvement (circa 1974, when this article was published) is the memorial window installed in 1951. This window was presented by Mr. James A. Estes in memory of his wife, Mrs. Ella V. Estes. The following is the list of Ministers that have served the Church since the building was erected: Charles H. McGee, M.A. Davidson, W.A.S. Conrad, Richard Ferguson, R.T. Clarke, H.J. Brown, T.G. Pullen, P.M. Bell, A.P. Williams, W.A. Osser, C.C. Jones, J.K. Holman, C.L. Salmon, J.H. Abernathy, D.L. Hager, L.H. Youell, S.W. Wilkinson, L.C. Vaughan, O.W. Lynch, E.E. Henley, Norman J. Flythe, David Menchhofer, H.G. Thach, and A.D. Goodson.  ~ From The Rappahannock News, Volume 7 – Number 13, approximatly 1974 or later


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The United Methodist Church in Sperryville recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of what some call the “prettiest church in Rappahannock.” On May 6, 1854, according to an article published in 1974 by the Rappahannock News, the land was sold by Lucy Wood for $25 to seven men, the trustees of Sperryville Methodist Church, now named the United Methodist Church. In 1915, the original church was torn down and the present church built on the same site. The cornerstone was laid with Masonic ceremonies on Aug. 12, 1915. Pastor Sara Keeling (pastorate: 2011-2018), during last Sunday’s remembrance, poignantly spoke before a rapt audience of parishioners of the more than 5,000 sermons that had taken place in the hallowed sanctuary over a 100-year period. The church, she said, “contains the spirits of those parishioners” — parishioners whose names are etched in Rappahannock hillsides, including the Estes, Dodsons and many more, ancestors of families who still attend the church. “Think of all the music . . . the hymns, and prayers, the relationships formed, the hugs enjoyed, the pain and anguish of life experiences shared, still lingering in this room and hovering in the air,” she said. Attending the service I was struck by the warm hellos, familiar faces and heartfelt hugs and handshakes, welcoming a guest into their midst. Lunch followed the service, complemented by the sounds of The Inoperables, a talented musical trio, one of the band members being a parishioner. As they sang and strummed, conversations in the enthusiastic din were overheard, including one woman who reminisced with a smile that she’d been married in this very church 56 years ago. Folks admired the plentiful spread of great homemade foods, including a dessert table bedecked with such delectables as Mary Frances Bywater’s lemon meringue pies and Aline Johnson’s Tyler pudding. Tom Pellikaan, in signature style, efficiently orchestrated the congregation’s photo op. They laughed, smiled and sang “Happy Birthday” on the entrance steps. I’m sure Norman Rockwell was smiling from above. ~From the Rappahannock News, "Sperryville Column" Aug. 6, 2015

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